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June Catalog Updates

Secret items in June catalog

Here are the secrets of the June clothing catalog!

1. Click on the Newspaper hat. You will get a diving helmet.

2. Red viking helmet. To get this go to the Floppy Hat and the trendy sunglasses. Click in between them. Open and close the red viking helmet 3 times and a blue one will appear!!! 

P.S There is no gold viking helmet in the May catalog.

To get the blue cape click on the feather of the marching band hat.

To get the headphones click on the top of the sombraro.

Clothing Cattalog

Life Guard Shirt,$180

Hawaiian Shirt, $250

Grass skirt, $200

Wet suit, $600

Yellow bikini, $300

Scuba Tank, $480

Flippers, $200

Sport life Jacket, $480



Waddle on Penguins!!   :)




DX Maniac & Kelsey 619

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