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Cheats and Guides

Updated April 13, 2007

Secret Agent
To become a secret agent, simply click the moderator logo at the upper right of the screen then answer the quiz. If you have answered all the questions correctly, you should recieved a spy phone on your next log in.

Secret Dojo
Located at the upper right corner of the map in the mountains

Secret Ice Burg
On the upper right hand corner of the map you should see an iceburg! click on it

Go to the swf page and login, Press F11 to make it full screen, when you’re in the game click on the white part below your chat area and your penguin will walk right down and your finally nubbin.

Club Penguin Game Cheats

Cart Surfer:   To get more coins from the cart surfer game which can be found in the mine shack, simply do this pattern. Down arrow key + space, space + left arrow key then grinds on turns. Then tip your cart on purpose, do the pattern again and finish the game with 1 life left. I usually get 500+ coins per game.

Ice fishing: Use a yellow fish to catch the big fish at the end and win 50 extra coins.

Sled racing: Go to bunny hill and move all the way over to the right side. Then move 2 spaces left. It is impossible to lose in that spot.

Astro Barrier: On the start menu press 3 to go to level 30, 2 to go to level 20, and 1 to go to level 10.

Puffle round up: Note that all the puffles go different speeds. Catch the slow ones first because if you chase the black one it runs everywhere and you will scare all the puffles away.

Pizzatron -3000: In the start menu you should see a switch that has a picture of candy and then pizza. The swithch is flipped to pizza. Flip it to candy and you will be making candy pizzas. Making regular pizzas you make 5 coins a pizza, making candy pizzas you make 10 coins per pizza.

Jet pack adventure: Get throught the entire game without hitting any coins. Then at the end of the game it will say your a good pilot then award you with 1000 extra coins.

I hope those game cheats helped you! Waddle On!

Sled on nothing!!

 If you go sledding and minamise then maximise really fast over and over, You will be sledding on nothing in the air.




Flashing words
This is a very simple glitch; this is all you have to do.
Say, “green commander of…” In the space after of you can say whatever you like. Or you could say I SAW A MONSTER EAT _____________ and fill in the blank. That must be done in capitol letters. Or you can put on you tour guide hat and go to the Ski Lodge and then click give a tour. The first speach bubble will flash. NOTE, you must be walking while saying these things.

Changing other peoples igloos
First, go to your igloo and click on the tape measure then use your spy phone to teleport to the headquarters. Open your map and go to other igloos then try moving their items. This is very simple, so i do not expect people asking questions on how to do it again.

Robot dance
Take all of your penguin’s clothes off, so that all you can see is the paint. Click the star on your player card and wear the clown set, then move the window so that you will be able to see the actions button. Now choose dance, but take note that this glitch only works on client side which means only you can see it. Also, try doing it with other stuff on.

Throw snowballs very fast
For best quality go behind something that you cant walk over like the table in gift shop. Now press T on your keyboard and click on any spot to throw a snowball. By throwing snowballs simultaneously, you’ll end up with a big arch of snowballs.

How to walk in a pathway
First, go to the bunny hill and do the things i said to do in the glitch above. Except when you go somewhere on your map go to the town. Now, when your at the town click as far back in one of the pathays as possible. While your walking hold down tab. You can show off to all your friends and when they try it will put them in the dock.

How to spank a penguin
This is halarious! find a penguin that is standing forward. Then go behind them and stand forward also. Now press W at a steady pace. It will look like your spanking them! not a glitch but its funny!

Secret message in clock tower
The clock tower in the snowforts says "By G" which means by secret agent g because he made the clock tower. The writing is in secret agent code. You will need to zoom in to see it.

How to Sit Facing Foward (If you didn't know)

Click on your penguin then look forward. Press "S" from your keyboard and you will be sitting forward.

Waddle On

If you know any glitches i forgot to post plz email me at clubpenguinmaniacs@gmail.com

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